What is ReefQuest?


Hi. My name is Dylan and I want to share with you a cool new idea called, ReefQuest. I got interested in coral reefs while exploring a reef in Hawaii while on vacation. Coral reefs have been called the rainforests of the sea, because of to the large number of species they harbor, also know as biodiversity. Covering less than one percent of the ocean floor, reefs support an estimated twenty-five percent of all marine life, with over 4,000 species of fish alone. However I was saddened to find out that reefs are dying all over the world at a very high rate. I started ReefQuest to tell the story of "our reef" to kids all over the world. I want your help in studying and preserving as best as we can "our reef" in Hawaii. But more importantly, I hope kids all over the world can unite to adopt and protect their own marine habitats. Whether you live by an ocean, a lake or a river you can join us to tell us about what’s going on with your marine habitat, whether it is a reef or some other environment. And together, we can figure out ways to protect and take care of these fragile but important habitats. We’ve brought together in this web site hundreds of interesting activities, information articles and links for you to use in joining our effort. Our video feeds will give you the opportunity to see the work we are doing on "our" reef in Hawaii. We also want to see and read about your work as well. Check out the posts on this site and add your own as comments. Please join us in this important effort to adopt all endangered marine habitats.


Dylan Vecchione, (Age 10) and lead creator of ReefQuest

Feed from our Reef Camera

Environmental Research News

ReefBase Updates

Tell the ReefQuest Team what you would like them to do next?

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How do I join ReefQuest?

Joining a mission is free and easy. Simply click on the links to the mission that interest you. You do not have to register and it is completely free.  Start by reading what is offered and what is going on. The BLOG section will give you the mission pulse, and it is the main feed for all the kids participating. You can join a discussion or follow along. Each blog entry will document another step in the discovery. Most entries involve some kind of activity for you to get involved. Do get involved and post back the results for all to share. Remember there is no right or wrong answer, rather every observation and experiment that you make could hold the answers for the whole group. So join in, do not be afraid to ask questions and work with us!

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